Sunday, July 28, 2013

Staying Positive

I believe a positive attitude helps health. I believe that people who can remain hopeful, determined, and positive have better outcomes when faced with illness. I believe optimism heals. I believe that God wants us to feel happy and confident.

I know that maintaining a positive attitude can be hard work and almost impossible to maintain when faced with major losses. . .of loved ones, relationships, security, health, serenity. There have been many times when I have felt hopeless and scared and sad and mad and worried and in pain and weak and sick with fever.

As I have journeyed through Lymphoma, I have had to search my soul and I have often had to reach very deep within to find something to be thankful for. Other times, my blessings are abundant, obvious, and easily felt.

To help myself stay encouraged while facing a life-threatening illness and coping with side-effects of toxic treatments, I have tried to keep my words and language positive.

It is very popular to use such language as battle with cancer, cancer warrior, the beast, the nasty beast, war against cancer, victim of cancer, monster, struggle, hate, cancer sucks, fight. 

I don't use any of those words. They are all negative; some are violent.  I don't use hateful words in any other aspect of my life and I believe in peace.  In fact, I'm glad my cancer has its own name, Lymphoma, so I don't even have to use the word cancer if I don't want to. I call it my Lymphoma Journey. I will not hate my Lymphoma as it has become part of me and I will not hate myself.

I try not to fear my Lymphoma. If it takes my life then that will be the way I go.

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